Thursday, October 31, 2019

Museum visit report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Museum visit report - Essay Example 2). The painting is currently located in gallery 305 with accession number 49.4. The artist is considered one of the most influential French painters whose works were classified under the romantic period (Pioch, 2002, par. 1). The painting is a realistic depiction of a panoramic view of Tangier, a city in northern Morocco, from the view points of people on the shore. The focal point of the art work is the wooden boat being steered to shore by seven people while three others were viewing them. The colors are symmetrical with clear shades of white and blue manifesting the sky and clouds from afar provided the backdrop for mountains as landscape with a magnificent spectacle of the city on top. The dark shades of brown and gold provided shadows and the perspective of nearness to the viewer. Shades and diverse hues of green and blue separate the depth and nearness of the sea. The illustration of the figures of people was well defined providing volume and enhanced with colors. Overall, the painting is a magnificent portrayal of a realistic painting enticing the viewer to the intricate details of the forms, shapes, colors and shades that give life and meaning to the art work. Works Cited Minneapolis Institute of the Arts. Collections. N.d. Web. 21 March 2011. Pioch, Nicolas. Delacroix, Eugene. 04 August 2002. Web.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Cybercrime Continue to Rise Essay Example for Free

Cybercrime Continue to Rise Essay Cybercrime is increasing at an alarming rate worldwide with more than a million people becoming victims every single day, according to the Norton Cybercrime Report 2011. The victims of cybercrime also paid dearly with a total loss of US$388bil (RM1. 21bil) to cybercriminals in 2010. Effendy Ibrahim, director of consumer business at Symantec Asia Pacific, said that cybercrimes don’t only cost victims financially but emotionally too. On average, it takes 10 days for a victim to recover from a cybercrime and it can be emotional too considering the amount of data they lose,† he said at the launch of Norton 2012, Symantec’s latest cybersecurity solution. However, victims could have saved themselves money and regret as the type of cybercrimes they fell victim to were preventable. The report found that the most common type of cybercrimes are malware, scams and threats targeted at mobile devices. However many people tend to underestimate the dangers of online crime thinking that it will happen to everyone else but themselves. The survey found that seven out of 10 adults thought they would more likely be a victim of physical crime rather than an online crime. â€Å"This is a lingering attitude users have when they are offline and it gets replicated when they are online,† Effendy said. The report also found that men, particularly those in the generation Y demographic, are most likely to become victims of cybercrimes. â€Å"Men spend more time online and do more ‘dangerous’ activities,† Effendy said. The report stated that more men watch adult content, gamble and participate in online dating sites compared to women. All these are social engineering techniques and it’s quite easy to fall victims to such tactics,† Effendy said. Local threat landscape Although Malaysia wasn’t in the list of countries studied in the report, national cyberspace police Cybersecurity Malaysia said the findings are representative of the Malaysian threat landscape. â€Å"It is the same environment, so whatever that is happening in the world will definitely affect us the same way,† said Cybersecurity Malaysia chief executive officer, Lt Col (Rtd) Prof Datuk Husin Jazri. He said the Malaysian cyberthreat landscape is no less alarming with over 10,000 cases reported every month up till August this year. Last year, Cybersecurity Malaysia received over 8,000 reports about cybercrime via its cyber999 hotline. Its Cyber Early Warning System has also detected over 5,000,000 security threats up until August. Given the increasing amount of cyberthreats, Husin said there is a need for more proactive measures to prevent more Internet users from becoming cybercrime victims and it will take more than reviewing or improving current cybersecurity laws. â€Å"Amending laws take time and it is slower than the prevailing problem. We need to intensify education and awareness efforts to educate users on Internet risks,† he said. Husin said Cybersecurity Malaysia is open to the idea of working with security solution providers like Symantec to come up with cybersecurity awareness programmes. Cybersecurity Malaysia already has a list of home-made security tools such as DontPhishMe, DNSwatch and MyPHPiPs that protects users from cybercriminals which can be downloaded for free. It is also working on establishing a Cyber Clinic which will offer an extensive list of cybersecurity services to computer users. The clinic is expected to be ready before the end of the year.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Benefits and Strategies of Performance Management

Benefits and Strategies of Performance Management Armstrong and Baron define performance management as a process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organisational performance. As such, it establishes shared understanding about what is to be achieved and an approach to leading and developing people which will ensure that it is achieved. They go on to stress that it is a strategy which relates to every activity of the organisation set in the context of its human resource policies, culture, style and communications systems. The nature of the strategy depends on the organisational context and can vary from organisation to organisation. In other words performance management should be: Strategic it is about broader issues and longer-term goals Integrated it should link various aspects of the business, people management, and individuals and teams. It should incorporate: Performance improvement throughout the organisation, for individual, team and organisational effectiveness Development unless there is continuous development of individuals and teams, performance will not improve Managing behaviour ensuring that individuals are encouraged to behave in a way that allows and fosters better working relationships. Armstrong and Baronstress that at its best performance management is a tool to ensure that managers manage effectively; that they ensure the people or teams they manage: know and understand what is expected of them have the skills and ability to deliver on these expectations are supported by the organisation to develop the capacity to meet these expectations are given feedback on their performance have the opportunity to discuss and contribute to individual and team aims and objectives. It is also about ensuring that managers themselves are aware of the impact of their own behaviour on the people they manage and are encouraged to identify and exhibit positive behaviours. So performance management is about establishing a culture in which individuals and groups take responsibility for the continuous improvement of business processes and of their own skills, behaviour and contributions. It is about sharing expectations. Managers can clarify what they expect individual and teams to do; likewise individuals and teams can communicate their expectations of how they should be managed and what they need to do their jobs. It follows that performance management is about interrelationships and about improving the quality of relationships between managers and individuals, between managers and teams, between members of teams and so on, and is therefore a joint process. It is also about planning defining expectations expressed as objectives and in business plans and about measurement; the old dictum is If you cant measure it, you cant manage it. It should apply to all employees, not just managers, and to teams as much as individuals. It is a continuous process, not a one-off event. Last but not least, it is holistic and should pervade every aspect of running an organisation. How does performance management work? Because performance management is (or should be) so all-pervasive, it needs structures to support it. These should provide a framework to help people operate, and to help them to help others to operate. But it should not be a rigid system; there needs to be a reasonable degree of flexibility to allow people freedom to operate. Performance management is a process, not an event. It operates as a continuous cycle. Corporate strategic goals provide the starting point for business and departmental goals, followed by agreement on performance and development, leading to the drawing up of plans between individuals and managers, with continuous monitoring and feedback supported by formal reviews. Tools of performance management It is impossible to go into details of each of the tools used by performance management, so the following paragraphs simply provide an outline. Performance and development reviews Many organisations without performance management systems operate appraisals in which an individuals manager regularly (usually annually) records performance, potential and development needs in a top-down process see our factsheet on performance appraisal for more information on this topic. Go to our Performance appraisal factsheet It can be argued that the perceived defects of appraisal systems (that line managers regarded them as irrelevant, involving form-filling to keep the personnel department happy, and not as a normal process of management) led to the development of more rounded concepts of performance management. Nevertheless, organisations with performance management systems need to provide those involved with the opportunity to reflect on past performance as a basis for making development and improvement plans, and the performance and development review meeting (note the terminology; it is not appraisal) provides this chance. The meeting must be constructive, and various techniques can be used to conduct the sort of open, free-flowing and honest meeting needed, with the reviewee doing most of the talking. Learning and development Employee development is the main route followed by most organisations to improved organisational performance, which in turn requires an understanding of the processes and techniques of organisational, team and individual learning. Performance reviews can be regarded as learning events, in which individuals can be encouraged to think about how and in which ways they want to develop. This can lead to the drawing up of a personal development plan (PDP) setting out the actions they propose to take (with the help of others, not least their managers) to develop themselves. To keep development separate from performance and salary discussions, development reviews may be held at other times, for example, on theanniversary of joining an organisation. Increasing emphasis on talent management also means that many organisations are re-defining performance management to align it to the need to identify, nurture and retain talent. Development programmes are reflecting the needs of succession plans and seeking to foster leadership skills. However, too much of an emphasis on talent management may be damaging to overall development needs and every effort needs to be made to ensure that development is inclusive, accessible and focused on developing organisational capability. Coaching Coaching is an important tool in learning and development. Coaching is developing a persons skills and knowledge so that their job performance improves, leading to the achievement of organisational objectives. Coaching is increasingly recognised as a significant responsibility of line managers, and can play an important part in a PDP. They will take place during the review meetings, but also and more importantly should be carried out throughout the year. For some managers coaching comes naturally, but for many they may not and training may be needed to improve their skills. See our factsheet oncoaching for more information. Go to our Coaching factsheet Objectives and performance standards Objectives (some organisations prefer to use goals) describe something to be accomplished by individuals, departments and organisations over a period of time. They can be expressed as targets to be met (such as sales) and tasks to be completed by specified dates. They can be work-related, referring to the results to be attained, or personal, taking the form of developmental objectives for individuals. Objectives need to be defined and agreed. They will relate to the overall purpose of the job and define performance areas all the aspects of the job that contribute to achieving its overall purpose. Targets then need to be set for each performance area, for example, increase sales by x per cent, reduce wastage by y per cent Alongside objectives are performance standards. They are used when it is not possible to set time-based targets, or when there is a continuing objective which does not change significantly from one review period to the next and is a standing feature of the job. These should be spelled out in quantitative terms if possible, for example, speed of response to requests or meeting defined standards of accuracy. Competences and competencies Some organisations, but by no means all, use competences and competencies as components of performance management. Competences describe what people need to be able to do to perform a job well (the descriptions in National Vocational Qualifications are examples of competences). Competencies (more helpfully, behavioural competencies) are defined as the dimensions of behaviour that lie behind competent performance. Though the language used does not help in making the distinction, to perform well it is necessary both to be able to do a job at a technically competent level and to have behaviours that reinforce those technical skills; an obvious example of behaviour is the surgeon who needs a good bedside manner and to be able to communicate with colleagues, in addition to surgical skills. There are various techniques for measuring competence (some organisations prefer to use capability) and once an analysis has been made, it provides a tool for measuring performance and, of course, for pr oviding development activities to help people meet the required standards. For more information, see our competencies factsheet. Go to our factsheet on Competency and competency frameworks Measurement To improve performance, you need to know what current performance is. Measurement provides the basis for providing and generating feedback, and thus can build the platform for further success or identify where things are going less well so that corrective action can be taken. But what gets measured? Measure the wrong things, perhaps simply because they are easy to measure, and an entire performance management system can fall into disrepute. Use too many measures and you cant see the wood for the trees. For measuring performance, the achievement of objectives, levels of competency, standards of performance, and work outputs are used but the emphasis varies according to categories of staff for example, a senior manager would be mainly measured by meeting objectives, but a production worker mainly by achieving outputs. Increasingly organisations are using more sophisticated measuring techniques such as balanced scorecards or ROI (return on investment). Individual and team performance needs to be capable of being linked in an understandable manner to organisational performance, and there are various approaches to this. They include the balanced scorecard, a set of measures that looks at the business from customer, internal, learning and financial perspectives; the European Foundation for Quality Management, which indicates that customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and impact on society are achieved through leadership; and other economic measures, including traditional financial measures. Measures used will depend on the organisation; for example, public service organisations are likely to use different measures from private companies. Pay Performance management is often linked with performance-related pay (PRP), although by no means all organisations claiming to use performance management have PRP. Nevertheless, PRP is an important element in many performance management schemes because it is believed to motivate; it is said to deliver the message that performance and competence are important, and it is thought to be fair to reward people according to their performance, contribution or competence. Others, though, believe that other factors are more important than PRP in motivation; that it is usually based on subjective assessments of performance, that it inhibits teamwork because of its individualistic nature, and that it leads to short-termism. See our factsheet for more information on performance pay. Go to our performance-related pay factsheet An alternative to PRP is competence-related pay, which provides for pay progression to be linked to levels of competence that people have achieved, using a competence profile or framework. The difficulty here is measuring competence, and some organisations use a mix of PRP and competence-related pay. Further possible pay systems are team-based pay, a kind of PRP for teams; and contribution-related pay which means paying for results plus competence, and for past performance and future success. Performance may be used to determine all or some aspects of pay. In many instances only non-consolidated bonus payments are linked to performance which tend to reflect organisational, team and individual performance whilst salary progression is linked to service, market rates and pay scales. Many organisations believe that when performance management is linked to pay the quality of performance discussions will inevitably deteriorate. Teams Team working has become an important part of life in many organisations, and where teams are permanent or for longstanding projects, measures can be based on team performance. They will mainly be concerned with output, activity levels (eg speed of servicing), customer service and satisfaction, and financial results. Indeed, team measures are not very different from those for individuals, and of course team members need to agree their objectives and receive feedback in the same way as if they were not part of a team. Other team members can contribute towards this, in a process of peer review. See our factsheet on wrking in teams. Go to our factsheet on teamworking 360 degree feedback 360 degree feedback became increasingly talked about in the 1990s, if not widely used. It consists of performance data generated from a number of sources, who can include the person to whom the individual being assessed reports, people who report to them, peers (team colleagues or others in the organisation), and internal and external customers. It can also include self-assessment. 360 degree feedback is used mainly as part of a self-development or management development programme, and is felt to provide a more rounded view of people, with less bias than if an assessment is conducted by one individual. See our factsheet on 360 feedback for more information. Go to our factsheet on 360 feedback Performance problem solving Performance management is a positive process, and good systems will create a culture in which success is applauded. Nevertheless, poor performance will exist. It may be a result of inadequate leadership, bad management or defective systems of work, and if so, remedies (often involving learning and development) can be put in place. But individuals may under-perform and improvements can be achieved through continuing feedback and joint discussion between them and their managers, involving analysing and identifying the problem, establishing the reasons for the shortfall, and deciding and agreeing the action to be taken. If all this fails, disciplinary action may need to be taken, as in any organisation. CIPD viewpoint Performance management is not easy to implement. It should be owned by everyone in the organisation, and especially line managers it is emphatically not about guardianship by personnel departments. Surveys suggest that individuals and managers in organisations with performance management systems quite like it, and especially its emphasis on personal development, although performance-rating (often linked to PRP) often provokes hostility. Schemes can be over-detailed and require too much form-filling, and there can be a lack of definition in terms of what is meant by performance and how to achieve it. Schemes can be less successful than they might be because of lack of training, especially at the beginning. In its most positive form, performance management will help individuals not only to understand what is expected of them but also how they contribute to achieving organisational goals. The keys to the successful introduction and application of performance management are: being clear about what is meant by performance understanding what the organisation is and needs to be in its performance culture being very focused on how individual employees will benefit and play their part in the process understanding that it is a tool for line managers and its success will depend on their ability to use it effectively. References ARMSTRONG, M. and BARON, A. (2004) Managing performance: performance management in action. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Handmaids Tale Essays: An Analysis :: Handmaids Tale Essays

The Handmaid's Tale The novel, The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood focuses on the choices made by the society of Gilead in which the preservation and security of mankind is more highly regarded than freedom or happiness. This society has undergone many physical changes that have led to extreme psychological ramifications. I think that Ms. Atwood believes that the possibility of our society becoming as that of Gilead is very evident in the choices that we make today and from what has occured in the past. Our actions will inevitably catch up to us when we are most vulnerable. "We are for breeding purposes..There is supposed to be nothing entertaining about us, no room is to be permitted for the flowering of secret lusts..We are two-legged wombs, that's all: sacred vessels, ambulatory chalices (p. 176)." In the society of Gilead, the most highly valued aspect of life is giving birth to a healthy child without deformities. Gilead was the aftermath of a nuclear world war (or some type of chemical mishap involving most of the world). As a result of this, some women and men are left sterile and unable to increase the significantly decreased population. The women who are fertile are placed in institutions where they are trained in the process of pregnancy and child bearing, those who are not are left to die in areas with concentrated radiation. This society has undergone a change so extraordinary that it has taken us from one extreme to the next, leaving many people wondering what happened to make it so. The things that were most highly honored and respect are now treated with disdain. These changes were not all detrimental but the majority of them we could have done without. Ms. Atwood poses that humankind has a nature to develope, whether that development is for the empowerment or destruction of our society is unknown until the consequences take place. "I used to think of my body as an instrument, of pleasure, or a means of transportation, or an implement for the accomplishment of my will...There were limits, but my body was nevertheless lithe, single, solid, one with me...Now the flesh arranges itself differently. I'm a cloud, congealed around a central object, the shape of a pear, which is hard and more real than I am and glows red within its translucent wrapping (p.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Note-Taking Method

Any assignment that requires you to do research, will require you to take notes. The notetaking method you adopt is purely a personal decision. With the development of technology, there are more different methods used to take notes. In term of the media people applys, we can discuss three types of methods: handwriting, electronic note-taking, and copying materials. The handwriting method is a traditional way which takes much time and requires the audience listen to the speaker carefully. When writing the notes word by word on the spot, the audience may get much pressure and feel more tired, it demands them to focus on every words the speaker said, then pick up the points to write down. But th audience may learn more useful information at the same time, the efficiency is much higher. For example, the teacher is giving a lesson in the classroom, he lists some important points, and the students should listen to the teacher carefully, handwriting the notes. Electronic method is a new way coming to the note-taking world with the help of technology, including recording, taking photos, and so on. Pens, notebooks are coming to be replaced by voice recorders, camera, MP3, mobile phone and other electronic products. By this way, what the audience need to do is just recording in the beginning of the lecture, or take photos about some points in the blackboard and the Powerpoint. It reduces the burden of audience, and more convenient. However, it is difficult to require the audience to listen to the speaker carefully, they don't need to grasp any points, they can do other things at the same time, just remember taking their electronic goods. A company invites an expert to give a lecture to its employees, he talks about some important thesis. The employee may record this speech and take some photos, which is enough for most of them. Copying materials means the audience may do nothing in the lecture, but they copy the speaker's materials, or other audience's notes after the lecture. They may choose to just listen to the speaker carefully, or pay litter attention to the whole lecture. This way is gradually adopted by some audience, especially when the lecture is tedious in their mind. There is litter burden for the audience, but also less gains. Because they may lose some important points, and the opportunity to experience with the speaker. From what we have discussed above, we may get a result is: no pains, on gains. We can't deny the benefits brought by the technology, but we should learn to how to exploit them in right way. I prefer to handwrite notes, because I think it can motivate the audience to listen to the lecture carefully and learn how to pick up points.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

cis319 essays

cis319 essays 1. Individual Paper (Monday due at Midnight PST): Prepare a 3-4 page report (350 words per page) in APA format discussing the following topics/sub-topics and analyzing their use. Post a single report in the Assignments Newsgroup even if the assignment contains multiple parts. To formulate your essays, focus on examples you learned about Information Systems at work, class lectures and discussions, external research, and weekly articles as appropriate. Synthesize! Provide at least one reference source. Review the "Little Brown Book" to ensure you understand APA style writing. References are required for each paper. Accuracy of data input is important. What method of data input would be best for each of the following situations and explain why: a. Printed questionnaires - Keyboard Convenience and quality of output are important. Explain what method of output would be best for each of the following situations and explain why: b. Color photograph photo quality printer c. Resume Laser printer should be scannable f. Company annual report High quality Letter printer prorfessional printing * Explain the difference between primary storage and secondary storage. Primary storage (per the text): "Input data is stored in primary storage (memory) after it is received from an input device, and output data is stored in primary storage before it is sent to an output device. Data from secondary storage and programs that are executing are also stored in primary storage. It is important that a computer used in an information system have adequate primary storage so that it can store the data and program instructions needed for current processing. Without enough primary storage, it may not be possible to execute certain programs or use certain data." When the computer is turned off, this information is gone (it is volatile). Secondary storage (per the text): "Data and programs that are not being pro...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Leadership In Hospitality Industry

LEADERSHIP IN HOSPITALITY CEO Mary Mahoney stated, â€Å"leadership is having a plan, getting a group of people to follow you down a certain path, and encouraging them along the way that will lead to successful achievement of the plan† (Greger; Peterson 2000, p.17). Determining a leader in the hotel-motel business would be difficult because of how the properties are classified. The type of service provided by the business determines the rating of the property. Motel 6 is considered a one- star because it does not offer any amenities. Quality Inn is a two-star because it only offers a continental breakfast. Courtyards by Marriott are considered three-star because it offers breakfast, lunch, a bar and laundry services. The Hilton is a four-star because it offers a restaurant, banquets, room service, and shuttle service. A five-star can offer a variety of services ranging from twenty-four hour service for restaurant, room service, personal maid or butler, spa-salon, valet parking, workout center and a business center. Banquets, concierge, dry cleaning are also offered. The Westin and Renaissance, are the only five-star hotels in Oklahoma. The success of a business depends one a focused leader with a plan, the ability to lead and knowledge of what it takes to be a leader. Accor Properties is an excellent example of leaders that are focused with a plan. They are now the third largest in the world in rooms. This company is based out of France but plans to make a definite impression on the United States market in the future. The company leaders are targeting the areas of technology and reservation in order to accomplishing their goal. Accor leader’s contributes much of their business success to diversity. Joint ventures in the casinos, food industry, voucher system, timeshares, cruise, holiday vacation packages are helping them to achieve their fu... Free Essays on Leadership In Hospitality Industry Free Essays on Leadership In Hospitality Industry LEADERSHIP IN HOSPITALITY CEO Mary Mahoney stated, â€Å"leadership is having a plan, getting a group of people to follow you down a certain path, and encouraging them along the way that will lead to successful achievement of the plan† (Greger; Peterson 2000, p.17). Determining a leader in the hotel-motel business would be difficult because of how the properties are classified. The type of service provided by the business determines the rating of the property. Motel 6 is considered a one- star because it does not offer any amenities. Quality Inn is a two-star because it only offers a continental breakfast. Courtyards by Marriott are considered three-star because it offers breakfast, lunch, a bar and laundry services. The Hilton is a four-star because it offers a restaurant, banquets, room service, and shuttle service. A five-star can offer a variety of services ranging from twenty-four hour service for restaurant, room service, personal maid or butler, spa-salon, valet parking, workout center and a business center. Banquets, concierge, dry cleaning are also offered. The Westin and Renaissance, are the only five-star hotels in Oklahoma. The success of a business depends one a focused leader with a plan, the ability to lead and knowledge of what it takes to be a leader. Accor Properties is an excellent example of leaders that are focused with a plan. They are now the third largest in the world in rooms. This company is based out of France but plans to make a definite impression on the United States market in the future. The company leaders are targeting the areas of technology and reservation in order to accomplishing their goal. Accor leader’s contributes much of their business success to diversity. Joint ventures in the casinos, food industry, voucher system, timeshares, cruise, holiday vacation packages are helping them to achieve their fu...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The rules for World Schools debating Essay Example

The rules for World Schools debating Essay Example The rules for World Schools debating Essay The rules for World Schools debating Essay Just being able to argue well does not make you a good debater just as being able to kick a ball will not make you a good soccer player. There are various rules to debating, depending on what style of debating you are using. There can be British parliamentary debating, Oxford style debating, SACEE style, and most importantly World Schools Style debating.  The rules for World Schools debating were invented in Australia decades ago, as an answer to the boring styles of debating that school debaters had to take part in. At university level, debaters are allowed to interrupt each other and make all kinds of smart comments, as the focus is no longer on whether you are a good public speaker, but more on whether you could argue well, present your arguments clearly, and could make people believe what you were saying. No one cared what the Oxford definition of the topic was what mattered was whether it was clear what you were arguing about, and whether your argument was the most understandable and believable. World Schools debating was invented to capture that exact spirit of debating at school level. The older, stuffier, more formal styles went out the window, and World Schools began to spread, as it was the first debating style that promised to be really entertaining to be involved in, as well as to watch. Debating was starting to become a real form of entertainment. The rules for the World Schools style of debating are really quite easy, once you have got the hang of it and they change very little at all the different competitions. The only thing that is different is that you may be asked to speak for slightly longer or shorter in your debates. Everything else remains the same. The only thing about World Schools that is very different from what you might have seen before is something called Points of Information (or POIs for the real dorks). Points of information are a rule that lets you interrupt someone elses speech to challenge them on what they are saying and means that the whole debate becomes a lot more fun to be in. Once you finish your speech, you can still be involved in what is going on, and score for your team just by making sure that you challenge the other team on their arguments. But dont worry about points of information now. We will take a look at them later. In the meanwhile, World Schools style is very similar to normal deba ting with all its basic rules, with just a few little changes. The Basic Rules of World Schools Style  Teams  In World Schools, there are two teams just like most forms of debating you will have seen before. The one team is the PROPOSITION, and it is there job to agree with the topic, and argue for it. The other team is the OPPOSITION, and it will be their job to disagree with the proposition.  Each team will have three speakers in it, and they will each have a chance to speak once during the debate, to state their case, as well as being able to offer points of information to the other teams speakers when they are speaking. They can do that throughout the debate. Speeches  Once the third speakers from each side have finished speaking, one speaker from each team will have to give a short reply speech, which will let them summarise what has gone on in the debate, and close their teams arguments. The person who gets to do this cant be the third speaker from the team. This is because they will have just finished their speech, and so they wont have time to write another one and come up to speak again. That means that either the first speaker or the second speaker will have to do the reply speech. The speeches are all done in a specific order, which is very similar to any style of debating that you might have seen before. There is one little difference though. The reply speeches happen the other way round from how it normally works. The Opposition third speaker will finish tehir speech, and then the someone from that team will have to get up straight afterwards to give the reply speech. That means that the Opposition team gets to speak twice in a row. After the reply speech, it will be the Propositions chance to do their reply speech, and then the debate will end.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Discuss the benefits of probability in the career you have chosen and Essay

Discuss the benefits of probability in the career you have chosen and how probability techniques will be beneficial to you - Essay Example lity was introduced to me by my assistant coach who explained how I can use the magic of simple math to predict the actions of my opponent on the basketball court. Before every match in the pre-match preparation the coaching staff is briefed on the tactics that will be, most probably used, by the opponent team. At times the plan may go wrong as there is always a chance that the opponent team has planed something else, but general trends are never ignored. These trends have been found out by our analyst who he revied the score sheets and the footage of previous five years of the league tournaments, reaching to a conclusion about which player plays at which position best and what are the positive and negative points of any team in the league. This analysis of previous years has given me a general trend every team follows, makin it easier for me to form a strategy against any team, negating the fact of just chance in the game, planning according to the situation. Probability has been a revelation for me, allowing me to focus hard on other aspects of training as my analyst will always have the â€Å"to-do† and â€Å"not to do† list for the opponent that we have to play

Friday, October 18, 2019

Quantitative Methods for Social Health Research Essay - 2

Quantitative Methods for Social Health Research - Essay Example As the essay declares  cigarette smoking has negative implication on the health of a person. Nevertheless, despite being aware of the effects of smoking, finds it hard to quit the habit. Governments have devised mechanisms of minimizing the amount of cigarette smoked with several measures including plain packaging of cigarette. Plain packaging of tobacco is a packaging that requires removal of all branding and only requires the manufacturer to print a brand name in mandated size in addition to a health warning to help in drawing the smokers’ attention more to the health warning. In relation to the 2010 statistical figures by Australian institute of health and welfare 2010, there is a significant reduction in daily smoking by 15% since 2007. However, it is still necessary to understand the impact of plain packaging of cigarette on the smoking habits to specific groups like the international students.This paper stresses that  the influence of plain cigarette packaging depend s on the smoking level of a person. For an addict, plain packaging has a little impact while, for a starter, the packaging would draw attention to the health warning.  A randomized controlled trials experimental study found that branding has a significant influence on the development of a smoking habit.  The smokers avoided all health warnings, while occasional smokers paid more attention to plain packs than those on the branded ones. The findings indicate that plain packaging of cigarette attracts more attention to the health warning than those of the branded ones, thus can influence the smoking habit.

World History Before 1500 Chapter 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

World History Before 1500 Chapter 5 - Assignment Example Other elements include important civilization tools like introduction of writing. The resurgent Greek civilization was characterized by population growth, the rice of metallurgy technology and development of intensive and extensive agriculture. The Greek civilization was defined by acquisition of knowledge and they relied on agriculture for sustenance while the Phoenician civilization was developed through trade. They were mighty traders and dominated the sea trade for approximately 3000 years. They Phoenician civilization brought Asian culture into the Europe through trade that affected Greece and the whole Mediterranean immensely (FernaÃŒ ndez 107). The main developments occurred in the area of medicine and artistry such as metallurgy and music. They developed in agriculture by use of metallic tools and fertilizer; they became masters in the areas of mathematics, astrology, geography, physics and astronomy. The Chinese at the time of Zhou dynasty develop writing as well (FernaÃŒ ndez 105). The Aryans: were warrior people, inhabited the Ganges valley. They did not develop writing as earlier as the Chinese did. They had little interest in painting and sculpture, neither did they engage in trade, but they mainly practiced agriculture. Technology spurred major changes in the Americas and sub- Saharan Africa since it helped boost production in agriculture through use of machines to prepare farmland, use of fertilizer and irrigation. It also encouraged the trade of agricultural produce by simplifying transportation to other regions (FernaÃŒ ndez 92). The links that existed between sub-Saharan Africa and Asia based on trade: they engaged in batter trade especially on agricultural produce. Cultural transmission in Americas and Africa lacked vast climatic chasms from south to north and north to south, which called for different strategies for trade. Monsoonal wind system of maritime Asia and stable Mediterranean weather favored

Four Important Business Concepts that are Shaping Today and 20 Years Essay

Four Important Business Concepts that are Shaping Today and 20 Years from Now - Essay Example It also enables to develop the transportation system, to lower the trading costs and a reliable medium for exchange can be created for increasing the gains from trade. So, it can be stated that the early growth of government is associated with increase in the levels of income and increase in positive growths. (Saxton, 1998) It is very important to understand that failure can be observed in a free market at different time periods and it should have the ability to correct itself. The method of correction should be eliminating the less performing investments and businesses which dragged the market down. But the US lost their belief in the natural correction mechanism of free market at the time of financial crisis and started to correct the market by artificial measures. The existence of SEC or Securities and Exchange Commission alone gives an indication that the US economy is not a free market. Following the market crash of 1929 the Federal government took steps for preventing the fraud corporations from performing audits of these companies. The federal government of US also regulated the market at the end of the 19th century. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) was created to control and regulate the companies those who were not maintaining the purity law. A minimum wage for the nation was also established by forming the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. All these show that the Federal government of America has a great influence on the market by regulating it, which in turn makes the American market limited in nature and it does not exhibit a pure capitalist system (Clark, n.d.). The above mentioned government regulations are also invariable during the phase of calm and prosperity. But, they tend to crop up during the times of crisis; year 2008 is a good example of a managed economy. In addition, the federal government also intervened during ‘takeover of Mae and Mac’ and the ‘buy in of AIG’. The federal government also formed the CAFE reg ulation as mandate about the fuel consumption issue (Richman, 1988). These things show corporations cannot exercise or regulate the market but government with its authority can regulate market according to their will. So, if government wants to regulate the market there is no scope of rejection about the issue. These clearly indicate the regulatory power of the federal government and also shows American market is still not a purely capitalist market (Clark, n.d.). 2. Labor movement in America played a significant role in history. People came to America as laborers as servants or slaves. Although during the period of revolution the unions were merely a temporary band of people, this helped to set the stage for the modern day unionization of the workers. For these unions laborers enjoy many benefits today. These unions mainly advocated hikes in labor wages and shorter working hours. But the most concerning issue was after achieving the goals, these unions used to disintegrate. America was growing and so was the demand of labor. At that time many inventions and innovations occurred and a transition was also evident in America i.e. change of American society from an agricultural society to an industrial society. This transition was termed as the Industrial Revolution

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final - Essay Example There is very little explanation for the reader in this story, but the dialogue shows a failure to communicate between Frances and Michael. When Frances says â€Å"Some day †¦ you’re going to make a move†¦ aren’t you† (lines 245-249) and Michael answers first with silence and then with evasive words like â€Å"Maybe†¦How the hell do I know?† (lines 250-251) it is obvious that he does not love her in the exclusive and committed way that one would expect within a marriage. He seems ready to move on. Frances is upset, and crying, which shows that she is still learning to come to terms with the differences that are driving her and her husband apart. Frances, on the other hand, wants to have a romantic relationship like the ones we see in American films and novels. Her tears are evidence that she is sad and disappointed, and that she had wished for something better. This story illustrates how relationships often look happy and stable on the surfa ce, while underneath there may be big problems. Knowing how to face up to problems, and being able to state clearly what each person is looking for, is a key element in relationships. In Half and Half, Rose understands her predicament more clearly.

Determinism, free will and moral responsibility Essay

Determinism, free will and moral responsibility - Essay Example There are many views and arguments reflecting different philosophers' positions on determinism, free will and moral responsibility, and it is not easy to find correct solution of such problems. Maybe this solution will never be found, as in case of many other philosophic problems. The purpose of this paper is not to find it, but to analyse the views of such philosophers as Blatchford, Schlick, Hospers, Campbell and Taylor on determinism, free will and moral responsibility. The views of these philosophers will be given in connection with my own ideas and views on these philosophic problems. In this paper I will argue that libertarian approach (Campbell and Taylor) reflects reality in more objective view than that of hard determinists (Blatchford, Schlick and Hospers). 2. Blatchford asserts that free will is determined by our nature. Heredity and environment determine our will; he says that "the free will is really controlled by heredity and environment" (Blatchford, p. 104). He also writes that "The free will party seem to think of the will as something independent of the man, as something outside of him. They seem to think that the will decides without the control of the man's reason" (Blatchford, p. 34-35). Of course, heredity and environment play great role in our actions, but I think that free will can depend on personal moral responsibility. Blatchford asserts that our actions can be predictable. Our nature and heredity determine our acts; this statement fits for famous persons too (Napoleon, Lincoln). In addition to that he claims that his work The Delusion of Free Will "disposes of the claim that man is responsible be cause his will is free" (Blatchford, p. 107).So, we can say that Blatchford is a representative of hard determinism. But th ere is a question. What about twins who live together and therefore have the same heredity and environment Are their free will and moral responsibility expressions equal No. I suppose that their decisions and actions depend on their free will which is not originated from heredity and environment. Their free will is determined by their personal development and the features of personality which can be developed in the process of education and self-development. 3. Moritz Schlick is a representative of logical positivism doctrine. His definition of free will, determinism and moral responsibility derives from the definition of punishment. He supposes that "Punishment is an educative measure, and as such is a means to the formation of motives, which are in part to prevent the wrongdoer from repeating the act (reformation) and in part to prevent others from committing a similar act (intimidation). Analogously, in the case of reward we are concerned with an incentive." (Schlick, p. 152). So, Schlick's view of free will and responsibility is connected with punishment. He supposes that a person in responsible if the punishment for his action is able to change his behavior in the future. So, his determinism differs a little from that of Blatchford. In his point of view,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Four Important Business Concepts that are Shaping Today and 20 Years Essay

Four Important Business Concepts that are Shaping Today and 20 Years from Now - Essay Example It also enables to develop the transportation system, to lower the trading costs and a reliable medium for exchange can be created for increasing the gains from trade. So, it can be stated that the early growth of government is associated with increase in the levels of income and increase in positive growths. (Saxton, 1998) It is very important to understand that failure can be observed in a free market at different time periods and it should have the ability to correct itself. The method of correction should be eliminating the less performing investments and businesses which dragged the market down. But the US lost their belief in the natural correction mechanism of free market at the time of financial crisis and started to correct the market by artificial measures. The existence of SEC or Securities and Exchange Commission alone gives an indication that the US economy is not a free market. Following the market crash of 1929 the Federal government took steps for preventing the fraud corporations from performing audits of these companies. The federal government of US also regulated the market at the end of the 19th century. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) was created to control and regulate the companies those who were not maintaining the purity law. A minimum wage for the nation was also established by forming the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. All these show that the Federal government of America has a great influence on the market by regulating it, which in turn makes the American market limited in nature and it does not exhibit a pure capitalist system (Clark, n.d.). The above mentioned government regulations are also invariable during the phase of calm and prosperity. But, they tend to crop up during the times of crisis; year 2008 is a good example of a managed economy. In addition, the federal government also intervened during ‘takeover of Mae and Mac’ and the ‘buy in of AIG’. The federal government also formed the CAFE reg ulation as mandate about the fuel consumption issue (Richman, 1988). These things show corporations cannot exercise or regulate the market but government with its authority can regulate market according to their will. So, if government wants to regulate the market there is no scope of rejection about the issue. These clearly indicate the regulatory power of the federal government and also shows American market is still not a purely capitalist market (Clark, n.d.). 2. Labor movement in America played a significant role in history. People came to America as laborers as servants or slaves. Although during the period of revolution the unions were merely a temporary band of people, this helped to set the stage for the modern day unionization of the workers. For these unions laborers enjoy many benefits today. These unions mainly advocated hikes in labor wages and shorter working hours. But the most concerning issue was after achieving the goals, these unions used to disintegrate. America was growing and so was the demand of labor. At that time many inventions and innovations occurred and a transition was also evident in America i.e. change of American society from an agricultural society to an industrial society. This transition was termed as the Industrial Revolution

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Determinism, free will and moral responsibility Essay

Determinism, free will and moral responsibility - Essay Example There are many views and arguments reflecting different philosophers' positions on determinism, free will and moral responsibility, and it is not easy to find correct solution of such problems. Maybe this solution will never be found, as in case of many other philosophic problems. The purpose of this paper is not to find it, but to analyse the views of such philosophers as Blatchford, Schlick, Hospers, Campbell and Taylor on determinism, free will and moral responsibility. The views of these philosophers will be given in connection with my own ideas and views on these philosophic problems. In this paper I will argue that libertarian approach (Campbell and Taylor) reflects reality in more objective view than that of hard determinists (Blatchford, Schlick and Hospers). 2. Blatchford asserts that free will is determined by our nature. Heredity and environment determine our will; he says that "the free will is really controlled by heredity and environment" (Blatchford, p. 104). He also writes that "The free will party seem to think of the will as something independent of the man, as something outside of him. They seem to think that the will decides without the control of the man's reason" (Blatchford, p. 34-35). Of course, heredity and environment play great role in our actions, but I think that free will can depend on personal moral responsibility. Blatchford asserts that our actions can be predictable. Our nature and heredity determine our acts; this statement fits for famous persons too (Napoleon, Lincoln). In addition to that he claims that his work The Delusion of Free Will "disposes of the claim that man is responsible be cause his will is free" (Blatchford, p. 107).So, we can say that Blatchford is a representative of hard determinism. But th ere is a question. What about twins who live together and therefore have the same heredity and environment Are their free will and moral responsibility expressions equal No. I suppose that their decisions and actions depend on their free will which is not originated from heredity and environment. Their free will is determined by their personal development and the features of personality which can be developed in the process of education and self-development. 3. Moritz Schlick is a representative of logical positivism doctrine. His definition of free will, determinism and moral responsibility derives from the definition of punishment. He supposes that "Punishment is an educative measure, and as such is a means to the formation of motives, which are in part to prevent the wrongdoer from repeating the act (reformation) and in part to prevent others from committing a similar act (intimidation). Analogously, in the case of reward we are concerned with an incentive." (Schlick, p. 152). So, Schlick's view of free will and responsibility is connected with punishment. He supposes that a person in responsible if the punishment for his action is able to change his behavior in the future. So, his determinism differs a little from that of Blatchford. In his point of view,

David Suzuki Essay Example for Free

David Suzuki Essay David Suzuki is an award-winning environmentalist, scientist and broadcaster. He also dabbles in radio and television series that go into detail about the complexities of the natural sciences in an easy and fascinating way. Finish Intro Paragraph – any tips, mother? David Suzuki is first and foremost, a geneticist. He graduated from Amherst College in 1958 with an honors degree in biology. He moved onto graduate school at the University of Chicago with a PhD in Zoology. Suzuki’s first academic position was an assistant professor in Genetics at the University of Alberta. After his assistant practices at Alberta, he moved on to where he now resides, at the University of British Columbia. David Suzuki has been honored with many awards. In 1972, he was awarded the E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship for being an outstanding research scientist under the age of thirty-five and he held that award for three years straight. He won many academic awards and holds twenty-five honorary degrees in Canada, the United States, and Australia. Suzuki has written fifty-two books, including nineteen children books. He wrote a textbook, in 1976, named An Introduction to Genetic Analysis that is the most widely used genetics textbook in the United States. This book has been translated into many other languages, including Italian, Spanish, Greek, Indonesian, Arabic, French, and German. Suzuki has not only tinkered around in writing, but broadcasting as well. In 1974, he developed and hosted a science program called Quirks and Quarks that was displayed on CBC radio for four years. Since then, he has presented two documentary CBC radio series relating to the environment, named It’s a Matter of Survival and From Naked Ape to Superspecies. His national television debut began with CBC in 1971 when he wrote and hosted his two season series, Suzuki on Science. He created and hosted a number of television specials, and in 1979, he became of host of The Nature of Things with David Suzuki, which rewarded him with numerous awards. He participated in a series, A Planet for the Taking, which won an award from the United Nations. In 2002, he received an award for his broadcasting excellence. David Suzuki is also a world leader in sustainable ecology. He is the recipient of many world-known prizes and medals, and has been granted with the Right Livelihood Award, which is known as the Alternative Nobel Prize. Not only has he received awards and presented series, but also he has co-founded his own Foundation. Suzuki felt as  though he was just â€Å"a messenger telling people about the crisis that is happening† and that he didn’t have any solutions (Suzuki 219). As he was working on making people more aware, he was receiving feedback of people feeling motivated from his words. With this feedback, Suzuki realized that he â€Å"had a responsibility to suggest potential answers† (Suzuki 220). With the help of Tara Cullis, an award-winning writer and former professor at Harvard University, the David Suzuki Foundation was instituted on September 14th, 1990. The goals of the Foundation are to protect the climate, create livable communities, establish environmental rights and justice, transform the economy, connect with nature, and build the community. The David Suzuki Foundation has worked with doctors to fight for clean air, published energy solutions, brought voices from NHL hockey players and Olympic Skiers to advocate for going carbon neutral, helped governments ban pesticides, protected species at risk, researched contaminants in farmed salmon, and worked with chefs to switch to sustainable seafood. The Foundation has even addressed economics, assessing the value of greenbelts (an area which is kept and reserved to ensure that there is open space), farmland, and other ecological services, and published a guide on how businesses can shrink their environmental impact. Nat ure sustains the economy. At least that is what Herman Daly, a senior economist at World Bank and teacher at University of Maryland’s School of Public Affairs, states in David Suzuki’s (and Holly Dressel’s) book, From Naked Ape to Superspecies. Daly states that, â€Å"’you sacrifice some of the natural system when you convert it into man-made things’† (Dressel and Suzuki ?). There needs to be a balance between the costs and benefits. In the past, there hasn’t been a focus on that balance. A cause of this unbalance and sacrificing lays with corporations. In Professor Brad Howard’s Journalism 190 class, the movie, The Corporation, was assigned for the students to watch. The Corporation is a Canadian documentary film that examines the modern-day corporation. The corporation is legally bound to put its bottom line ahead of everything, even the public good. In From Naked Ape to Superspecies, corporations are explained from a variety of sources. Jane Ann Morris, a corporate anthologist who works with a group called Program on Corporations, Law, and Democracy, stated that corporations have squeezed themselves into democracy, replacing the human persons. Even though the corporations are not people, they have been given  the same rights. The corporations are â€Å"reducing the rights of humans† (Suzuki and Dressel ?) and putting itself ahead of the people. According to the textbook in Brad’s class, The Problem of the Media by McChesney, â€Å"corporate societies† or â€Å"corporations† are corporate bodies that are legally authorized to act as a single individual. Brad assigned an academic journal for us to read, called Corporations, Democracy, and the Public Good by Stephen Barley. Barley states a thesis about the republic, â€Å"people are now separated from their representatives by an asteroid belt of organizations and among the most powerful of these are corporations and their trade associations† (Barley 203). In an interview with Lynette Thorstensen in Habitat Australia, David Suzuki stated that this situation with the corporations is not beyond the people’s grasp just yet. What is needed to occur are regulations and controls on the global level. An example that Suzuki provides is if a multinational company was found to be profiting through the dumping of wastes, the company should be fined to such a degree that continuing to behave like a pirate would cost more than the actual profit. Suzuki thinks that we need to keep the corporations exposed. David Suzuki is related to journalism and corporations, or at least his opinions are. Sustainable ecology is related to journalism and corporations. David Suzuki is a world leader in sustainable ecology. In order for the environment to be protected, the government needs to be involved. In order for the government to prosper, the environment needs to be cared for. As an environmental enthusiast, I had no clue that corporations played such a crucial role in the environment issues. Not only was I unaware about how the corporations were linked with environment issues, but I did not know that David Suzuki had ever addressed it. I think that’s something that Brad has tried to include in the class – corporations and their hiding. The reason I didn’t know corporations were involved in this issue, was because corporations influence the media and by their influence, they wish to be invisible in their link with th ese issues. Framing is what they call it. Framing is where a news media puts the shareholders first. If a corporation invests in a news media, the media shapes the information being shared and how we see topics/issues. So, I didn’t get to see the corporation’s influences, since they didn’t want the public to see them. Framing is a popular topic in Brad’s class. The media  frames issues all over the place. So once I discovered that issue among David Suzuki’s research, my mind was opened and aware. I think it all brings a new light to David Suzuki. Not only does David Suzuki care about the environment and protecting it, he cares about the impact of the government and corporations. David Suzuki †¦ any tips for the conclusion, mother?

Monday, October 14, 2019

Professional values and ethics

Professional values and ethics Professional Values and Ethics Values and ethics are the cornerstone for both personal and professional success. The way an individual or group interacts with others exposes their genuine character because actions speak louder than words. Those with a strong values system and ethical standards of the highest degree are easily recognizable by their deeds and are intrinsically motivated to do the right thing, even when no one is watching. Values and ethics generally originate and grow from the same sources, family, spiritual beliefs, and school; professional values and ethics are mere extensions of what one learns prior to joining the work force. Therefore, the things one learns early in life follow into the professional world and have a positive, or negative, impact on career success. Values and Ethics Defined Values Before delving into the world of professional, or personal for that matter, values, one must first know exactly what a value is or values are. A value is, according to Ozmete(2007),â€Å"an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence† (p. 1). Furthermore, a value system is all these beliefs placed and utilized in order of precedence, serving as a guide for everything from decision making to conflict resolution. What one values provides answers to questions like, if one was stranded on a deserted island, what three things would he or she want to have? Professional values are basically the same as described above but in the context of a corporation, organization, or group and what they would like their desired end-state to be. The professional value system of group entities is revealed in their business practices; from their interaction with other companies to how well taken care of the employees are. Whether or not a business plays by the rules, win or lose, speaks volumes about the company and, more importantly, the people who work there. Ethics Ethics are usually described in relation to values, as they are the moral philosophy and implementation of ones values. Personal or professional ethical codes give the ability to recognize what is right, fair, honorable and righteous. Corporations and businesses have published codes of ethics by which they conduct business. The code of ethics sets forth the standards to which employees are expected to abide and will be held accountable. Far too many companies have failed not because they did not have ethical standards, but because they did not enforce them. It is incumbent upon every employee to ensure they familiarize themselves with their employers ethical code of conduct for the benefit of the employee and employer alike. Sources of Values and Ethics Family One source of professional values and ethics are parents or guardians. Ever since one can remember, one of the first places where values are taught is at home. Parents teach their children right from wrong, not to lie or steal, and may introduce them to a particular religion where values are reinforced. These are the values that stay with someone forever; not only does the individual use these values as guidelines in their lives, but they also teach their children the same values.   Besides moral values, families teach their children work ethic. They give children small chores to do, such as cleaning their room, taking out the trash, and general helping around the house.   If they complete the tasks in a timely fashion, they receive money for helping. These small jobs not only show children the value of earning money, but also show them that hard work is rewarded. School Another source of values and ethics is school. Children learn they must be on time, complete their homework, and study hard to earn good grades. Just as with chores and allowances at home, schoolwork teaches that by studying and working hard, one can achieve good grades and get into good high schools and universities. Being on time for school each day is the beginning of ones time management skills. Not only do they learn the importance of punctuality, but budgeting their after school activities, family time, and homework time teaches one to prioritize what he or she values. Conversely, one learns that there are consequences for not implementing his or her values, like detention or bad grades. The repercussions could be detrimental, with long-lasting effects such as limited college choices and in turn, limited professional choices. Professional Environment No matter the career one chooses, the values and ethical standards instilled as a youth will guide ones professional decisions, good or bad. Most corporations, companies or associations have a written set of values or ethical guidelines by which all are held accountable. The American Psychological Association focuses on five principles of ethical behavior. The first principle is Beneficence and Nonmaleficence, which states, â€Å"In their professional actions, psychologists seek to safeguard the welfare and rights of those with whom they interact professionally and other affected persons, and the welfare of animal subjects of research† (American Psychological Association, 2002, p. 3). The next principle is Fidelity and Responsibility, which reads, â€Å"Psychologists uphold professional standards of conduct, clarify their professional roles and obligations, accept appropriate responsibility for their behavior, and seek to manage conflicts of interest that could lead to exploi tation or harm† (American Psychological Association, 2002, p. 3). Integrity is the third principle stating, â€Å"Psychologists seek to promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness in the science, teaching, and practice of psychology. In these activities psychologists do not steal, cheat, or engage in fraud, subterfuge, or intentional misrepresentation of fact† (American Psychological Association, 2002, p. 3). The fourth principle deals with Justice and reads, â€Å"Psychologists recognize that fairness and justice entitle all persons to access to and benefit from the contributions of psychology and to equal quality in the processes, procedures, and services being conducted by psychologists† (American Psychological Association, 2002, p. 3). The final principle is based on Respect for Peoples Rights and Dignity, and states, â€Å"Psychologists respect the dignity and worth of all people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determina tion† (American Psychological Association, 2002, p. 4). The preceding guidelines are what many were taught as children; do not harm others, take responsibility for your actions, be honest and trustworthy, impart fairness, equality, and respect to all. Each is applicable, and most useful, throughout life and all are qualities of a civil society. Applying Professional Values and Ethics Not everyone, however, was raised with the same values and ethical standards. While some were taught to value the â€Å"Golden Rule†, others learned to value money, possessions and status over all else. Bernie Madoff is an excellent example. He swindled investors out of an estimated fifty billion dollars in a Ponzi scheme that lasted for years. Unscrupulously, he promised clients massive returns on their investments, which for some was their entire life savings. A judge recently sentenced him to over 100 years in prison and deservedly so; but the money, and consequently, many retirement funds and livelihoods are gone (Henriques, 2009). The Ponzi scheme mentioned above is named after its originator, Charles Ponzi. He was an Italian immigrant who, in the 1920s, deceived people to invest in mail coupons and promised returns eight times what banks were offering and in far less time. Even then, Ponzi received millions from investors looking to make quick, and large, sums of money. To establish legitimacy, Ponzi paid some of the earliest investors what he promised. Millions of dollars later, it turned out he was a conman and had only purchased less than fifty dollars worth of the investment he sold. He also went to prison (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,2001). Clearly, what these men valued was personal gain and money. Neither had any ethical standards and both preyed on other peoples value of getting rich quickly. Although these are extraordinary examples, the relative impact on ones career success from not applying good moral values and ethics could be just as damaging. Professional values and ethics are mere extensions of the values and ethics learned from family, spiritual leaders and teachers. What one is taught to value growing up will carry over in the professional world. Professionals with upstanding values and ethical standards are easy to identify, as is the company that employs them. Values based business decisions and ethical guidelines adhered to by all are the benchmark for success. Those who accept less can have a detrimental impact on their company and maybe, the rest of society.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Women Breaking Free From Their Traditional Expectations Essay -- essay

Women Breaking Free From Their Traditional Expectations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All throughout the early part of history women were portrayed as the inferior sex, because at that point in time, women were seen as beings only born to have children. Men didn’t think that women were capable of being anything other than a typical housewife. It was unthinkable that women would actually need an education, let alone earn a living, or become a leader. These ideas are revealed all throughout classical literature. Rarely was a woman seen as doing anything but being dominated by males in some form, whether she was a man’s submissive devoted wife, a sexual object, or a woman being punished for wanting her freedom. We finally begin to see women trying to break free from these traditional expectations and barriers through the lives of Janie Crawford in Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, John’s wife in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Louise Mallard in â€Å"The Story of an Hour† by Kate Chopin, and Songlian in Raise the Red Lantern by Su Tong.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Zora Neale Hurston in Their Eyes Were Watching God shows how the lives of American women changed in the early 20th century. Janie Crawford is an example of a woman in society who follows her dreams, takes control of her soul, and finds her own identity in a male dominated world. After two marriages in which Janie is ‘owned’ by the men in the relationship, she finds that she can own herself. â€Å"Janie was an unusual protagonist for her time—black, female, independent, and strong† (Shafer). Janie’s first effort to free her soul is from her husband Logan Killicks. Logan works her like a mule, making her do house chores as well as outside work. When she finally realizes that she doesn’t want to spend her life as a slave or with someone that she doesn’t love, Janie runs away to be with a man she had met only a few days before. Janie faces reality and gets out from under Logan’s rule before she becomes consumed into his world. Again Janie is only a possession of her new husband, Joe Starks. He displays her like a medal around his neck. He is so jealous of other men lusting after his wife that he restricts her to always tend the store, leave fun situations, and wear a head rag to hide her beautiful hair. Janie slowly breaks out of the shell that Starks has molded her into when she verbally defies him in front ... ...oper place was in the home. Even the laws and literary writings reflected this position. As women became more educated, they began to seek their freedom and a voice in society. This movement to gain equal rights for women has been referred to as feminism. Slowly have we made our way in history, but profoundly do we take our stand in life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Aull, Felice â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† The Feminist Press at the City Univ. of New York (New York) 1892 7 July 2000 Gribben, Alan. â€Å"Chopin, Kate† The World book Encyclopedia. 1990 ed. Maloney, Karen E. â€Å"A Feminist Looks at Education: The Educational Philosophy of Charlotte Perkins Gilman† Teachers College  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Record vol. 99. Spring98: 514 Roberts, Edgar V. Fiction/An Introduction to Reading and Writing.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1987. 599 & 306 Shafer, Audrey. â€Å"Their Eyes Where Watching God† Harper & Row (New York) 1937 7 July 2000   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Stolle, James. â€Å"A Cruel Tale From China—But What A Climax!† Albert Report/Newsmagazine,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6/21/93: 44

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Norman Mailers An American Dream: The Character of Steven Rojack :: essays papers

Norman Mailer's An American Dream: The Character of Steven Rojack In almost every genre of literature there is the classic antagonist, and the classic protagonist. When examining these characters, there are certain guidelines which authors follow. However, there are times in literature when the classic guidelines are broken, and a new prototype emerges. Contemporary writer Norman Mailer broke the mold of the classic character(s) when writing the novel, An American Dream. In An American Dream, there is no set protagonist or antagonist. In fact, Mailer has taken these two separate identities and merged them into one character. The product is the main character of the novel, Steven Rojack. Throughout the novel the reader isn't sure if they want him to succeed, or fail. This is due to Rojack's ever-changing personality. He first seems like the perfect man, a decorated war hero who knows all the right people. However, shortly after this impression is made another is formed. He murders his wife in cold blood and lies to the police, claimi! ng she committed suicide. As the novel continues however, Rojack realizes the horror of his crime and even confesses what he has done to a woman he loves. Due to the realization of his crime, he is redeemed in the eye of the reader. From this point on, the reader wants Rojack to succeed. However, before final judgement can be passed, it is imperative that Rojack^s entire character be explored. Steven Rojack is first introduced as a prominent man in society who becomes recognized due to his decoration in military service. Through this service he became close with many famous politicians, Jack Kennedy being one. It is through Jack that Rojack meets his first wife, Deborah, a woman who he describes ^would be bored with a diamond as big as the Ritz^ (1) After serving a term in Congress, he and Deborah marry. Unfortunately, the relationship they have is one in which Deborah has full control. As he continues to describe the relationship with his wife it is often filled with bitter memories. He remembers going to parties where she would compare his worth to that of another man^s. It is from this that a bitter hatred stems towards Deborah. Finally, after seven years of marriage, they separate. However, after the separation, Deborah^s needs are still covered by Steven, who is now a college professor and the host of a popular TV show. In addition to this Deborah main! tains a close contact with him, seeing him whenever she desires.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Alan Mulally’s Restructuring of Ford Motor Company

According to the Nelson & Quick, Manually created one team focusing on ford brand. Ford was accused in the recession time, to keep too many brands under its corporate umbrella so it can't focus on its cash cow â€Å"Ford† Brand. He sold out Jaguar cars, Land Rover brand and Volvo cars to minimize the corporate losses. (wickeder. Com). Following answers focus more on what extent his managerial and structural change decisions helpful to create profitable brand. 1. What are the key structural issues that Alan Manually encountered as incoming president and CEO of Ford? An automobile has about 10,000 moving parts, right?An airplane has two million, and it has to Stay up in the this is the answer Alan Manually provided when he was being asked a question by a journalist â€Å"How are you going to tackle something as complex and unfamiliar as the auto business when we are in such tough financial shape†. It was that tough when Manually came into ford from Boeing. There were sign ificant structural issues were at the Ford. Naming them, financial crisis- while other major car manufacturers filing bankruptcy, according to nelson (2013) â€Å"ford dad to resolve to stand on its own feet and go it alone' (p. 39).Internal culture- when Manually come in ford has a very competitive rivalry culture â€Å"and didn't help much to its profitability. According to Nelson & Quick (2013) ‘those who believe that competitive rivalry brings out the best, others know win lose competition carries costs for everyone involved† (p. 64). Additionally, Ford was famous for world car and mass production people didn't buy ford because it is quality car. Ford is inherently face a challenge in a world of cars to build a culture quality. Nelson & Quick, 2013). Too many brands- when Manually come in, ford is more focusing on other attached brands than ford brand name.At the time ford owned Jaguar, Volvo cars, Mazda, Land Rover and Gaston Martin. Which loss the focus of manag ement towards ford brand. Don't have a right products- Manually saw potential of ford focus as a world car and but they didn't market it as it supposed to be and Ford Taurus Was a successful seller and they already discontinued that product How has Alan Manually addressed structural issues identified in the previous question? When Manually came in 2006, financial crisis was at its peak. He decided not to borrow money from government and stand its own feet.It was a right decision, because, overnight sales went up due to many patriotic Americans decided to switch to ford. He borrowed $24 billion from other parties and Stop dividends to shareholders. He sold all the other brands loosely associated with ford. By selling those brand Manually collected some money to get out of recession. Internal culture- when Manually came in, there was competitive culture. It was not helping the good team. Ford was thinking, by competitive culture best come out and actual result was there are bunch of u nhappy internal customers.So Manually created a culture of applauding openness and problem recognition culture. Quality issue- ford ware coincided by the whole worked as a common car. Manually wanted to create a ford as a quality product what exactly customers looking for. Too many brands so entire ford team work as one. According to Nelson & Quick (2013) ford anticipates consumer needs and delivers outstanding products and services that improve people's lives (p. 315). Loss focus- ford has so many brands under its corporate umbrella those did not help them to focus on ford brand.Manually decided to sell them all to get cash to recover the recession. That was increased attention towards ford brand. Bring back right product- first thing Manually did at the ford was bring back Taurus brand which was discontinues for no reason. Which helped to bring loyal customers back Explain the context that ford strategic goals provide for the design of its organization structure (Figurer : ford mo tor company structure) Ford's strategic goals were 1 . Ford is a global family with a proud heritage passionately committed to providing personal mobility to people around the world (Nelson & Quick, 201 3), 2.Ford anticipates consumer needs and delivering outstanding products and services that improves people's lives. Current ford culture would not help to achieve these targets. Inherently automobile industry is fairly club. According to Nelson & Quick (201 3), â€Å"Ford was known for the feudal infighting about its executives, conflicts consumed time, energy and resources in counterproductive internecine warfare† (p. 349). In order to meet the challenge successfully, ford needs an outstanding team. Eventually Manually able to build the winning team.Nelson & Quick (2013) mentioned that â€Å"Manually became a unifying figure who pulled the entire team together collectively'. Manually introduced large scale system integration in to ford learned from Boeing. Which was challen ging at first at ford. Ford had a linear structure shown above. This kind of system is ideal for manufacturing company. The problem was they didn't use the structure properly. Company culture, and structure wasn't that problem, problem was there are some recesses need to fine tune. Reason given for that was ford never felt a fresh blood so often.Manually had to fine tune corroded systems in general. He created united team, he created open door policy instead of competitive policy, he standardize manufacturing pants, etc†¦ By doing all the repairs for this old system, team was align for their new strategy to conquer the market. Would a network (or lattice) organization be a viable structural alternative for ford? Explain your answer (Figurer: Sample network organization) According to my knowledge, linear organization structure would be better Han network organizational structure for the manufacturing company.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Across Five Aprils

In the book Across Five Aprils, by Irene Hunt, is set in the 1800’s during the civil war between the Union, the northern parts of America, and the confederation, the southern parts of America. The story sets off on a farm in southern Illinois, where Jethro and his mother, Ellen Creighton, live with his 8 siblings. As the war escalates, Jethro’s older brothers and his teacher go to help the war effort. Most of his brothers join the Union but Bill, his favorite brother, goes to join the Confederation. As the story progresses each of the brothers send mails to the family describing how to warfront is doing, which was contrary to how the newspapers described the warfront. After every victory and every loss, the public opinion about the war and the Generals change from the slightest bit of news they hear. In the early stages of the war, Ulysses S. Grant early victories for the Union at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. The family celebrates the victory, knowing nothing of how terrible the battles truly were. After General Grant’s victories, people start to doubt and compare General McClellan, who was once featured in the newspaper in the north as being a â€Å"Brilliant† General. Later on in the war, the Union forces suffer great losses and General Grant is harshly criticized by the press, who is later praised by the press and the people after the Battle of Gettysburg. This shows how easily influenced people are. They harshly criticize or overly glorify after every battle and change their opinions about the Generals. Jethro shows his distrust to the press and other people’s opinions when he is asked if he is going against General Grant. He replies by saying â€Å"No, I ain’t. Things went against him-â€Å"(Ch6 pg. 100). As the war is raging throughout the land, Jethros family receives letters from his brothers. In those letters they describe the terrors of war but try to moderate how much they put in the letter to not make the family worry. Jethro watches as people are overjoyed by the victories and angry about losses. Jethro realizes that there is great contrast between the victories described by his brothers and the victories described in the newspapers. At the near end of the war, Jethro watches as the same people who criticized grant and the Union, cheer and say that â€Å"I told you so – old Unconditional Surrender Grant is the man who will win the war. †(Ch10 pg. 168). This demonstrates how easily people are swayed and how easily they are able change their opinions.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Urban planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Urban planning - Essay Example It proceeds in two ways: the multiplication of the points of concentration and the increase in size of the concentrations† (qtd. in Champion 144). This phenomenon is evident in some of the major cities in the world such as London and Paris, which have a high degree of urban concentration. On the other hand, suburbanisation is a term that has come to be viewed in regard to the decentralisation of urban places or metropolitans since it is a reflection of the â€Å"shift in patterns of development from the mainly lateral expansion of the city’s built-up core to much deeper penetration of house building into an extensive commuting hinterland or ring† (Champion 149). Simply put, suburbanisation is a description of the fringe areas of major cities resulting to areas called suburbs, which have various meanings depending on their definition in various places around the world. Nonetheless, the convention definition of suburbs implies that they are residential areas located in the fringe areas of a large city within a commuting distant to the city with some having political autonomy while the population density of these areas vary from one place to another. Suburbanization is the process where cities grow peripherally; starting by movement of people, trade and facilities from densely populated urban cores to, to less populated human settlements. Among the reasons were expansion in transport, crowded urban areas, industrial growth and immigration and Levittown played a crucial role in development of suburbs from the 1950’s and beyond (Marshall). The automobile age, which was after the Second World War, witnessed the return of many servicemen. They were all entitled to education and housing benefits. New bachelors’ degrees were issued and it created a professional class. The veterans that opted for vocational education filled the service sector. The two classes started having children that became baby

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Current events in business research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current events in business research - Essay Example This meant that customers were asked for whether they would opt to drink this new product and trials were also made as per its consumption (Robertson, 2009). Then the people who were related with its marketing and advertising were asked to come up with catchy taglines and distribution patterns to make sure that the energy drink’s research was complete and comprehensive from all angles. Also the stakeholders behind this energy drink were brought on to a single platform so that their concerns and related feedback was taken beforehand. This was so done to make sure that the product becomes a hit more than anything else. The research process comprised of factors that included for discerning the taste, aroma, color, packaging, quantity and other details regarding the energy drink. This is the reason why one can think of this research process to be complete from a number of different perspectives. The research behind this proved that it was always good to know about the market and t he consumers so that the product can be designed in a better way. It gives everyone a good idea what the need is like and how it shall be changed for the sake of bringing more benefits. Hence this business research process highlighted quite a few important points which were required at our

Monday, October 7, 2019

Security Fundamental Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Security Fundamental - Research Paper Example Moreover, by utilizing IPv6 addressing scheme, brute force and other associated probe attacks can be prevented and for private IP addressing scheme, it will not be accessible from the external networks. In order to enforce a strong password policy, easy and guessable passwords must not be set. Moreover, there are certain rules that must be followed such as (Graves, n.d): The password must be kept confidential Password must be updated on periodic basis Password must be difficult to guess Passwords must be alphanumeric Maintaining password history for eliminating old password reusability Enabling Role based Access Control 256 bit encryption for passwords Enable self-password management for resetting and creating own passwords (Kim & Solomon,) one of the most tried and successful attacks for gaining password are brute force attacks, as the attacker tries different passwords until he retrieves the successful password. Likewise, the trend of this attack has forced network security experts to enforce password policies containing all the factors mentioned above. However, a continual improvement cycle is required for a sustainable password policy management system within the organization. After discussing the password policy, authentication is also an essential component for granting access to genuine users on data and servers. As per the scenario, a triple factor authentication model will be recommended. Likewise, a combination of password and access code is required to gain access to data and networks. Some of the examples include fingerprints or voice recognition along with password or retina scan with password. Moreover, for addressing repudiation issues, digital signatures can be used that will be provided by the third party i.e. Certificate Authority. A digital signature is simply a message that is digitally signed by the sender’s private key and can only be verified by anyone who possess or has access to the sender’s public key, therefore, proving authenticity that the sender has access to the private key (Argentina, 2009). Similarly, the â€Å"CA certi?cates are digital certi?cates issued by one certi?cation authority (CA) for another CA. CA certi?cate identi?es the certi?cation authority (CA) that issues server and client authentication certi?cates to the servers and clients that request these certi?cates. Because it contains a public key used in digital signatures, it is also referred to as a signature certi?cate. If the CA is a root authority, the CA certi?cate may be referred to as a root certi?cate† (CA certificate.2007). Likewise, certificate Authority framework incorporates entitle management process, self-service management, Delegation of centralized rights to administrative staff, auditing, integration, reporting, scalability options and support for server and hosts. Cost for the Plan The cost that is estimated for this security plan will be around $30000 to $40000. The detail for this estimated amount is dem onstrated below: Cisco Router or Manageable Switch $20,000 to $25,000 Cisco ASA Firewall with Network and Host based Intrusion detection system $10,000 Dell Power Edge Server along with Windows Server 2008 operating system $2000 To sustain and secure data and computer networks of the electronic company, there are other factors that need to be addressed apart

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business law - Essay Example However, the Council may not be held liable for the losses of 50,000 pounds that Burton is trying to claim in the form of lost profits. The original neighbor principle mandating a general duty of care towards others on the basis of owing consideration to one’s neighbor, was set out in the case of Donaghue v Stevenson.1 This was later refined in the case of Caparo v Dickman2 where the scope of the duty of care was refined on the basis of three principles: (a) was there a relationship of sufficient proximity between the plaintiff and the defendant? (b) Was the damage caused to the plaintiff reasonably foreseeable? (c) Is it just and reasonable to impose a duty of care? This may be applied in the case of both Abi and Burton, who have suffered damages in the form of repairs needed for their homes, with Abi also sustaining injuries. Abi is a local resident of the area and Burton’s is a local business, therefore the Council is responsible for ensuring their safety by maintaining the flood barrier. Secondly, the damage caused is likely to be held to be reasonably foreseeable because Hanby Borough Council is responsible for maintaining flood defenses along the river and were told to improve the defenses. Since a flood had occurred before, it is reasonable to assume that such damages occurring in the future would have been a foreseeable event and therefore the Council may be held to be negligent in failing to complete repairs quickly. Lastly, the Court may indeed deem it just and reasonable to impose a duty of care in this case, since the negligence of the Council has resulted in damages caused to the premises of both Abi and Burton, as well as fu rther injuries to Abi while she was being rescued which required hospitalization. The underlying core for the establishment of the principles wherein negligence has been held to be legally liable under the principles spelt out in the cases above, is the sentiment of moral wrong doing for which the offender is to be held

Saturday, October 5, 2019

NARRATIVE story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

NARRATIVE story - Essay Example Only that morning, after my brother’s compulsion, I decided to get out of my room to go with him and my parents to the beach for some fun. At first I was very annoyed as I preferred to stay indoors and watch some television as it was a weekend. During the weekdays, I had enough and more school work to be done and got very little television time. So weekends are usually a television marathon for me and I would never go out. My brother and my father have a weekend routine which I thought was lame. They would go for swimming at a nearby club and invite me all the time. I always felt very nostalgic to swimming pools and the blue colored water spread across as if it were a blue blanket made me uncomfortable. But today, as the club was closed due to some maintenance activity, my brother had planned for this trip to a beach nearby and had compelled me to come. I thought I will just get some sun and stay away from the ‘deep blue sea’. After reaching there and watching eve ryone have fun, I was not able to control my rising yearn to hit the water. Unfortunately, failed to notice the board which said ‘this area is for strong swimmers only’. So, here I am dragged inwards toward the horizon by the strong waves. I opened my eyes and found that everything around me was different and that confused feeling was still there. I was looking around to figure out whether I was in heaven (hopefully). I could hear the sounds of people talking outside. I woke up fully to get back to reality. My brother was walking towards me and paid no attention to me. I was little bit ignited with this act, as I expected him to come and ask me how I felt after coming in close encounters with death. Instead, he just started hitting me with his towel asking me to get up. I got up, now fully awake, and was staring blankly at my brother who was yelling, ‘are you coming with us to the swimming club at least today?’ Just then everything hit

Friday, October 4, 2019

International business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

International business - Essay Example factors include: an option of entering alien markets, sharing and decreasing cost of production, developing KSAs (knowledge, skills and abilities) that are hard to develop and adoption of upgraded technology. The main reason due to which several companies accept and enter strategic alliances is to enter alien markets in order to increase their market share (IRELAND, 2008, p.177). For instance, several organizations wanted to enter the Chinese region for expansion purposes and in order to enter these markets they needed expertise of the local organization. This is because local organizations have a better understanding of the cultural and motivational values of the people living in the nation. Due to this, Warner Brothers created strategic alliance with other Chinese firms in the entertainment industry to come up with movies for the locals of China (GRIFFIN, 2005, p.370). When organizations expand they have to bare the risk of expansion which includes investment in fixed technologies and financial risks (FUNG, 2008, p.5). If these costs are shared by the organizations the risk level of partnering organizations decrease. This is one of the motivational factors due to which organizations enter into a strategic alliance. For instance when Boeing was involved in the creation of 787, it created a strategic alliance with several Japanese firms which led to division of investment for the purpose of creating the jetliner (STEERS, 2006, p.228). Organizations even enter into a strategic alliance in order to obtain knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) and assets lacked by either one or both of the partners of the alliance (KANG, 2001, p.37). They even enter into an alliance because developing these KSAs is a difficult task and an expensive one. For example: There was a strategic alliance formed between the organizations of Microsoft and Toshiba in order to create microprocessors that were embedded in nature and could perform various roles that were entertaining in nature